1989 Chevrolet Corvette
1989 Chevrolet Corvette
Owner(s): Kendall Brown
City / State: Des Moines, IA
Club(s): None
Builder: Me
Engine Details: 305
Fuel Injection/Carburetor: Yes
Headers: No
Exhaust / Mufflers: Dual exhaust
Transmission: Automatic
Rear-end / Ratio: N/A
Front Suspension: N/A
Front Brakes: Regular
Rear Suspension:
Rear Brakes:
Wheels: After market 20in
Body Modifications: None
Hood: Stock
Paint Type / Color: Black
Gauges: Stock
Interior Goodies: Black interior double din tv radio, custom steering wheel and seats
Custom Pieces:
Awards: Yes
Cool Story: The car was white, my uncle had a few back when I was growing up. That's when I fell in love with them.