1959 Oldsmobile Dynamic 88

1959 Oldsmobile Dynamic 88

Owner(s): Chase Carlson

City / State: Colo, IA

Club(s): Shouldn't have been saved survivors

Builder: GM

Engine Details: 371 Olds V8

Fuel Injection/Carburetor: 2 bbl carb


Exhaust / Mufflers: straight pipe

Transmission: Hydromatic

Rear-end / Ratio: 

Front Suspension: Broken

Front Brakes: Maybe a little

Rear Suspension: leaf

Rear Brakes: might work

Wheels: stock

Body Modifications: weight reduction (rust)

Hood: its got one

Paint Type / Color: Corral reef pink (what's left of it)

Gauges: don't work

Interior Goodies: The driver

Custom Pieces: Over flow jug

Awards: Best Fast Start Collins Days 2022

Cool Story: Pulled out of a pasture in Southern Missouri, dragged it home and have been driving it every week since with very little issues.

Slow as hell